BHS Logistics is a modern transport company. We focus on our customers' wishes and needs for high capacity and flexibility as well as safe storage, handling and transport of goods.
With around 350 employees spread across our seven departments in three different countries, you will meet many different people at BHS.
What all BHSers have in common is that we stand together to deliver high quality and high service to our customers.
We smile at each other and greet each other. At BHS, everyone is equal – and the tone of communication is always good. WE can work seriously, purposefully and efficiently – but never forget that we have each other’s backs.
In addition to our values, we live by these three words.
We are all in this together at BHS, we put our hearts into our problem solving for our customers, and we never forget that we are not the same, but we are all BHSers.
For more than 78 years, we have had a great passion for solving problems for our customers. And that is why our mantra – as you can also see in our logo – is: Passion for Solutions – Since 1946.
Brug for et tilbud?
Udfyld skemaet. Du er også velkommen til at sende en mail direkte til vores salgsafdeling: salg@bhslogistics.dk.
BHS Logistics har specialiseret sig inden for Business to Business. Vi transporterer således ikke for privat personer
In short
BHS Logistics ensures that your needs are met. We create value through deep and specialized knowledge, as well as experience accumulated over many years. We offer businesses an easier everyday life with our A to Z logistics solutions.
High level of service
BHS Logistics’ goal is to provide services with a high level of service:
- Tasks are completed at the time agreed with the customer.
- Large capacity and flexibility
- Competitive prices
- Use of future-oriented information technology
- Quality-conscious, loyal and well-trained employees
- Fast and detailed invoicing
- Door to door and day to day distribution